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Sunday - 9:00 AM Prayer; 9:15 am Sunday School, 10:15 AM Worship | Second and fourth Tuesday 7:15 pm Good news Testimonials Wednesday - 1:00 Intercessory prayer; 7PM Bible Study; Fridays: first and second - Words of wisdom encouragement ministry 7:15 pm; third and fourth shekinah Pavilion Outreach music broadcast 8:00 - 9:30 pm

So, you're not sure where you are in your Walk,

Tell us more.  If you'll share something about yourself maybe we can help you.  First, Have you made your confession of salvation to accept Jesus Christ as Savior?  If you have click here.  If not, would you like some help in finding out?  Yes, How long ago?  < 1 year-click here ;  < 3 years-click here!  More than 5 years -click here: If not, why?  What is your concern regarding committing to Christ?  complete this form and we'll talk!

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