Glad You're Here, Welcome!


Sunday - 9:00 AM Prayer; 9:15 am Sunday School, 10:15 AM Worship | Second and fourth Tuesday 7:15 pm Good news Testimonials Wednesday - 1:00 Intercessory prayer; 7PM Bible Study; Fridays: first and second - Words of wisdom encouragement ministry 7:15 pm; third and fourth shekinah Pavilion Outreach music broadcast 8:00 - 9:30 pm

Welcome, We're Glad you chose to visit with us today!

We hope you are able to get what you need to continue along the right path on this journey of life.  We will try and help!  First, tell us where you believe you are on this journey (select one) from the list below:

1. Not sure where you stand

2. Unbeliever

3. Backslider

4. New Believer

5. Seriously Seeking

6. Disciple

7. Minister

8. Five-fold Minister

Opportunities to serve!

We hope you can get what you need to continue and prepare to serve on this journey of life.  Once prepared, we have identified some current needs for ministry participation.

  Learn about service ops


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