Christian Education


Sunday - 9:00 AM Prayer; 9:15 am Sunday School, 10:15 AM Worship | Second and fourth Tuesday 7:15 pm Good news Testimonials Wednesday - 1:00 Intercessory prayer; 7PM Bible Study; Fridays: first and second - Words of wisdom encouragement ministry 7:15 pm; third and fourth shekinah Pavilion Outreach music broadcast 8:00 - 9:30 pm

Welcome to our christian education ministry

We're glad you're here! The Mission of New Life Provision Christian Ministries, Inc.'s christian education ministry is to impart the truth of god's word in practical Instruction/teaching the word of god and demonstration/Application of the principles of Christ in daily living. New Life Provision Christian Ministries endeavers to provide a ministry of intellectual and spiritual enrichment for: the upbuilding of the body of Christ; progress in all aspects of the lives of our members; and for bringing glory to God. The scriptural basis for this ministry: Hosea 4:6; II John 8:31-32. We offer christian education classes in:
We Pray That You Will Be Able To Join Us In one or more of these venues of sharing the Word of god When We Are Back In The Church. Meantime Join Us In An Audio Service At Our Regular Service Times. We Know That God Is Good And His Mercy Endures Forever. We At New Life Provision Christian Ministries Endeavor To not just teach, but Walk In The Way That God Through His Son Jesus Christ Walked The Earth And apply it In Our Daily Lives.
It Is Our Sincere Desire To Be A Blessing To Those Who Enter Into Our educational forums and learn new information and insights about the Word Of God.
We Labor In Helping The People Of God Become More Knowledgeable In The Word Of God, Committed To The Work Of Ministry, And Faithful In Prayer And Koininia Fellowship With One Another.
In His Love And Service,
Dr. Theodore L. Bryant, Founder/Bishop/Senior Pastor
Dr. Beverly A. Bryant, Co-Founder/Co-Pastor

Linda Tapp

Minister of Music

Minister Linda Tapp is an experienced gifted Psalmist.

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Minister Linda Tapp is an experienced gifted Psalmist.

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Frederick Tapp

Associate Pastor

Pastor Frederick Tapp is an experienced Teacher, Preacher, Counselor, and Evangelist with many years of Kingdom work.

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Pastor Frederick Tapp is an experienced Teacher, Preacher, Counselor, and Evangelist with many years of Kingdom work.

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