Words for Life and Living!


Sunday - 9:00 AM Prayer; 9:15 am Sunday School, 10:15 AM Worship | Second and fourth Tuesday 7:15 pm Good news Testimonials Wednesday - 1:00 Intercessory prayer; 7PM Bible Study; Fridays: first and second - Words of wisdom encouragement ministry 7:15 pm; third and fourth shekinah Pavilion Outreach music broadcast 8:00 - 9:30 pm

Listen to words of inspiration and encouragement

Each week we have speakers who share words of encouragement and inspiration to help listeners get through their week. These messages are 10 - 15 live sessions from a broad spectrum of topics. This forum is also a training venue to allow both clergy and lay persons to share current topics which have been placed on their heart. These sessions occur on Friday evenings at 7:15. If you are interested in sharing you may fill out a contact form below. Your information will be reviewed and you will be contacted and scheduled if your submission is accepted.


Contact Form-Application to be a Words for Life and Living Speaker

Please complete the information below: Name; email; Title of topic you would like to share a brief 10-15 minute encouraging message; and a 100 word summary/synopsis of the message.


Plan your visit